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London: 4th UK International Salsa Congress

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Beitrag von / Posted by Salsa UK (host81-136-175-36.in-addr.btopenworld.com on 5 00, 2005 at 14:41:22:

Welcome to
The 4th UK International Salsa Congress

Ok it is definitely countdown time to the UK Congress. Arguably the best of its kind in Europe. Now in it's 4th year the UK Congress has earned it’s reputation as the one event that all salsa dancers must be present at.
If you haven’t attended a congress before please don’t feel intimidated. The Congress is a fun weekend of salsa dancing with something for EVERYONE, from complete beginners to seasoned Pros.

Miss this Salsa madness at your peril!
Teachers and Performers include:

Alex de Silva & Ruby Karen US
Candy Mena US
Edie “the SalsaFreak” US
Hacha y Machete US
Juan Matos US
Leon Rose UK
Liquid Silver Productions US
SuperMario UK
Susana Montero UK

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